Lil’ Josh toots his horn: Finally “fixed” Roy Cooper’s crime lab mess.

One of the main things Team Stein is touting in the governor’s race these days is the clearance of the testing backlog of rape kits in the state crime lab.   The strange thing?  That backlog dates back to — at least – Roy Cooper’s tenure in the attorney general’s office. 

I remember the 2016 campaign.  In order to get results back in a timely manner and in time for trial, local governments were having to outsource their crime scene analysis work to private labs.  The state crime lab, then overseen by part-time AG but full-time gubernatorial candidate Roy Cooper, had an obscene backlog in its workload.

This site, and others, begged the reelection campaign of one Pat McCrory to bludgeon Cooper over the head with this piece of info.  An AG who leaves loads of crime victims high and dry? The copy almost writes itself.

For some reason, Team McCrory did not take on the issue.  As we all know, McCrory lost a close race to Cooper that year and we got eight years of Governor Cooper.

It’s great that lil’ Josh finally cleaned up the mess he inherited from his immediate predecessor.  It’s great that a whole lot of crime victims finally got some justice. But it was a travesty that it was even allowed to happen or much less fester for this long.