(Hmmm.) DCCC played absentee ballot game in Robeson County.
It appears the US House Democrats’ political arm was in the Ninth District prior to Election Day tinkering with absentee ballots:
[…]According to Robeson election records, an operative from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee dropped off one box of requests on Oct. 8 and another on Oct. 10, totaling 603 voter registration or absentee ballot request forms, less than a month before the election.
A DCCC representative whose business card was left at the county election board office did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Another DCCC representative also declined several times to speak on the record about the committee’s efforts in Robeson County.
Sylvester Jones, a 64-year-old resident of St. Pauls who’s a registered Democrat, said two people came to his house before the election to tell him to re-register “just to be sure,” even though his paperwork was in order as far as he knew. They also told him he might have trouble getting to the polls, because he’s disabled, and suggested he apply to vote absentee.[…]
Of course, McClatchy buried this at the bottom of their story. To them, lil’ ‘ol McRae Dowless in Bladen County is MUCH BIGGER than the multi-million dollar campaign operation of the US House Democrat caucus.
The smoking gun on the whole Ninth District hullaballoo rests in Robeson County. It’s got Democrat fingerprints all over it. And it will vindicate Mark Harris once it is found.
It’s a shame that the GOPe in Raleigh and DC has already surrendered to Democrat demands for a new election.
All I have heard from my friends on the left for the past few weeks is how crooked the Republicans and Harris are. Not a single one of them though are willing to work for reforms that will make it harder to cheat. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out why. It seems they are quick to yell foul only when the outcome doesn’t go their way.