Grifting while our national economy burns down
Politicians are great — especially at election time – at telling us what we want to hear. *Oh, they’re tightening the belt. Oh, they’re getting tough on spending and the debt. Oh, they’re cracking down on crime and protecting the border. *
*buuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllll kuh-rap.*
Want a hell of a wake-up call? Really want to find out how bad those people you keep reelecting every two to six years are lying to you? Check out the real-time US Debt Clock.
This fantastic resource lets you watch the damage the politicians and bureaucrats are doing to our nation and our economy as they do it.
As of this writing, our national debt is creeping up on $36.2 TRILLION. (You read that right.). The debt-to-GDP ratio stands at 123.36 percent. In other words, the value of what we owe is roughly equal to 123.36 percent of the entire value of our national economy.
(Imagine your credit card statement coming in the mail one month. You open it to learn that the amount you and your spouse owe is equal to 123.36 percent of everything you own. One hundred percent is all you have. Where are you going to get the additional 23.36 percent?)
Currently, the government’s largest budget items are (1) defense at $950 billion, (2) social security at $1.5 trillion and (3) Medicaid / Medicare at $1.8 trillion.
Interest on the debt is expected to reach $1.008 trillion.
The scary thing? It’s not going to stop there. These people in DC have no plans to put brakes on the spending. They’re busy buying your love with your own money. Unfortunately, they’ve run out of our money and are having to borrow a lot to keep buying our love.
If nothing changes, our national debt will be just over $51 trillion by 2028. At that point, our national debt will be at 156.90 percent of our national GDP.
In 2028, the picture is going to look bleaker. We’ll be spending: (1) $1.6 trillion on defense, (2) $2.1 trillion on social security, and (3) $2.5 trillion on Medicare / Medicaid.
Interest on the debt should be at roughly $4.45 trillion by 2028.
So, we’ve got stuff like this to fund and keep going. We also have the massive debt to pay off before it gets called in.
We had a story just the other day where Thom Tillis pitched a fit because senator Paul of Kentucky wanted to pay for new hurricane aid in North Carolina with cuts in existing spending on solar panels. Tillis wanted to keep the solar panel spending in place AND spend this new money.
Stuff like this is why we have an economic disaster staring us in the face. In our own houses, when we have some necessity we need to pay for, we take money from some other planned expense. Why not demand our government play by the same set of rules?
There is nothing about We The People any longer.
Politicians have tossed the ‘representative’ side of being elected. They represent whatever $$$ kitty makes them the wealthier. When that supersedes, We The People, and it always does, well, they have to enrich themselves, family, friends.
NC is a bastion of corruption, greed. I’m speaking of the republican party.
and the JOKE of the Riggs/Jefferson recount. Hand to eye recount.
COUNTING SAME BALLOTS?? What will change.
ILLEGAL ballots are recounted as well?
But I’ve YET to see one republican laud this travesty. NOT ONE.
THEY DO NOT CARE. ONLY for themselves, their cabal, their network, their $$$.
WHEN Riggs wins; THE uniparty in Raleigh will be pleased.
And in Moore County, we have grifters who feed off of the bloated DOD budget with government awarded contracts for arms and people are too afraid to call those types out because of the control such people exert with their money. Albeit, the same people who decry federal spending are the first in line to suck from the government teet. And you all know exactly who I am referencing. And Pinehurst is full of limp wrist “Republicans” who will never side with eliminating the Ponzi scheme called social security. Let us all be honest. We elect grifters paid for by grifters who essentially screw those in the private sector.
Phil-atio Berger is Basnight on steroids. He runs a meaner type of machine politics than Basnight and is to the left of Basnight. Basnight never gave us men in the womens restrooms and locker rooms, the nutty and expensve Green New Deal, or massive Medicaid expansion, or tried to give us casinos (that one is still not over, unfortunately). Berger did all those things, following the Biden Democrat playbook. Berger is also such a shameless prostitute for the special interests that he ought to mount a red light above his office door. Berger is nothing but a power-driven machine politician with no philosophical compass and the principles of an alley cat. He is a huge embarassment to the Republican Party.