Gov. Gomer’s high court gal pal runs her mouth a bit too much

I was watching TV with friends the other night when this *Karen* came on-screen to screech about how she will not vote for anything that would even slow down or impair *reproductive rights.*

Who was this cow, you ask?  An aspiring playmate for Allison Dahle or Marcia Morey in the North Carolina House?

Unfortunately, no.  It was Allison Riggs, a far-left political activist named to the state Supreme Court by outgoing lame duck governor Gomer Pyle.  She’s the kind to scream at you for daring to: (1) hold the door for her, or (2) call her ma’am.  (A real sweetheart, you might say.)

You might also say — when she was co-executive director for the Southern Coalition for Social Justiceshe and her group applied for and received $250K-plus from the federal government that they didn’t appear to qualify for or even deserve. 

Back to her TV commercial.  Justices are on the Supreme Court for the purpose of comparing the facts of cases before them to the state constitution and the General Statutes. The justices can strike down the issue before them, uphold it, or kick it back to its originating body for some tinkering. Policy decisions are made over on Jones Street – where Timmy and Phil are.

The same goes for Republican approved justices.  Everybody on the bench needs to objectively compare the facts of the case with our state and nation’s ruling / founding documents.  Riggs said out-loud in her ad what so many have been winking-and-nodding about for years and years now.

State senator Buck Newton has filed a judicial standards complaint against Riggs regarding her campaign ad.  The drive-by media and the legal establishment are mad about the complaint itself (but not so much about her admitting that her warped personal views trump the whole concept of fairly considering and evaluating matters brought before the court.)