Dale Folwell launches first ad of the 2024 GOP gubernatorial race
It appears Dale Folwell, North Carolina’s state treasurer, has decided to see and raise the ante in his gubernatorial primary fight against Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and attorney Bill Graham.
The political establishment and the drive-by media have been ready for months to declare the state’s scandal-plagued lieutenant governor as THE GOP nominee for governor. Attorney Bill Graham – heavily backed by US senator Thom Tilli$ and consultant Paul Shumaker – has already hit the airwaves with some soft, mostly-biographical ads. Folwell’s first advertisement is set to launch on select cable outlets across the state and on various social media platforms.
The ad portrays Dale Folwell as a “less talk, more action” kind of guy whose record of accomplishments speaks for itself. Folwell won praise all around for his success in saving the state’s unemployment insurance program from insolvency and collapse. His management of the state health plan and state retirement plan during his tenure as treasurer has resulted in lower costs and better service for state employees and retirees.
The ad traces Dale Folwell‘s life story from his time as a teen working his way through school as a garbage man and motorcycle mechanic to support his family and pay for college. Upon graduation, Folwell built a successful financial management career and started a family. He served his community as a member of the local school board and as a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives. For nearly eight years, he’s served the people of North Carolina as their treasurer.
GOP and unaffiliated voters will have a chance to choose between Dale Folwell, Mark Robinson, or Bill Graham for governor on March 5.
I want a person who is going to take a chainsaw to state government and a flame thrower to the rest and then reorganizes what survives into a much leaner smaller and cheaper government. I want to see NC repudiate the 50% of the budget that is federal money so we can be free of Washington’s strings and degrees. Actually I like to see NC NOT BOTHER TO SEND MONEY AT ALL to DC. It only gets used against us. I think there will be many many many people leaving NC once the spigot for federal money dries up.
And since the cost of state government is now much less I want a HUGE TAX CUT So I can enjoy the fruits of my labor instead of feeding a beast that tries to suck me dry.
I want a Governor that is going to make NC a life boat for hard working taxpayers and legal immigrants. Because federal policy is making a mess of things, and since chaos is assured I want NC to be in good shape to withstand it. and good enough to look the fedgov in the eye and say NO. I want to see the governor refuse to accept illegal aliens that the fed gov sends here every week. I want to see the governor round up those that are here a ship them to Canada who wants them. We have enough mouth to feed. I don’t want NC to be a part of the obvious cloward and pivin policy that obviously being implemented.
I want a Governor who will work very very hard to make progressives have an allergic reaction to living here. I want the state to be so unpalatable to them that they pack up and move to progressive and liberal enclaves that are ALREADY living the values and policies they want, So we can stop fighting the left and be left alone to live HOW WE WANT.
Is Folwell (His name reminds me of that slimy tv preacher) up for it? Hard to say I’e heard absolutely NOTHING about him.
His ad does not show a guy who seems to have a fire in his belly.
The guy hooked with Tillis can go kick rocks. No way in the world will I vote for him with friends like that.
So its between This guy and Robinson.
Perhaps you haven’t heard of Folwell because men like him traditionally don’t run for office, you find them in the offices actually doing the job and making the front man look good. Robinson has neglected his elected job of Lt. Governor to collect donations for his appearances statewide and nationally since elected, not much different from his campaign days. And by his own admission Robinson says, “he’s not good at math”.
So the question is, will Robinson as Governor be like Biden as President, someone unelected to the position will be running the office? I think that answer is yes, and the history lies in the articles on this site.
With Folwell what you see is what you get. The fire is in his mental capacity and lifelong addiction to hard work versus in his belly that only gives people gas.
Because of Folwell’s service the following has been done in North Carolina:
In 2013, Dale was named Assistant Secretary of Commerce and in only 30 months he led a successful effort to pay off $2.7 billion in federal unemployment debt and build a $1 billion surplus which reduced the unemployment tax by all North Carolina businesses.
As Treasurer, he has personally fought against healthcare companies to lower medical costs for hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians.
As the keeper of the public purse, Treasurer Folwell is responsible for the more than $122 billion state pension fund that provides retirement benefits for more than 950,000 teachers, law enforcement officers and other public workers. Under Folwell’s leadership the pension plan was rated among the top five highest-funded in the country and won accolades for proactive management and funding discipline. In 2020, the state’s coveted AAA bond rating was reaffirmed by every major rating agency, making North Carolina one of only 13 states in the country to hold that distinction. Treasurer Folwell also oversees the State Health Plan, which provides medical and pharmaceutical benefits to more than 750,000 current and retired public employees and is the largest purchaser of health care in North Carolina.
Now compare that to Robinson’s personal record of bankruptcy, eviction and questionable business practices and I will take steaadfast leadership over a fire in the belly any day.
Dale Folwell’s digital ad is spot on. I just spoke to a couple in my grocery parking lot who admired my political car stickers. After discussing 45 and upcoming Democratic Party tricks I turned the subject to the Governors face and they agreed with me that MR May have the lead in the polls but when folks hear this commercial and check all 3 candidates out they will be convinced that only Dale has the skill set and record of service to North Carolina’s through decades of service to truly be the last man standing. When the party coalesces behind him post Primary we can have a godly, conservative, transparent and proven leader in the Governors Mansion for years to come. Please remember, that Dale has busy as State Treasurer, protecting pensions and state benefits for state employees and retirees for the past years while others have time to make speeches and fly around the country orating.
Its pretty late in the game to be just introducing yourself, I don’t think he has a chance because of this. And since it is late, and if he is so great and brilliant he must know this. I guess he does not want the job. I guess he doesn’t want to put in a little OT. Ya know campaign AFTER work?
I have to admit his “explore the issues” section on his website, Is a bit laughable with weak focus-group driven pablum with just ether-vague wisps of ideas. I hoped for detail. wealK sauce!
I need more meat than that.
I’ve already live through a weak, soft, “nice” governor who was a disaster. What was his name? Ah yes. McCory. Truly a weak Governor. A nice, safe, and “hard working” loser who the Democrats ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a nice little midnight snack. A nice pleasant RINO that even though he had majorities in both houses he limited HIS OWN PARTY from doing what needed doing because he he didn’t want to hurt any feelings and wanted to “compromise.”
You know what compromise is to progressives and their ilk? Well the first response from them is is “get bent” but barring that its “You give up everything you want, we get everything we want AND a few more things.” That is compromise to them. and that is what we got with McCory and I can easily see it with this “nice decent man”.
I think he may actually believe the entire “Moral Monday” stuff the left is SURE to ramp up regardless of whatever republican wins. Thank the Lord we have super majorities so the governor does not matter, but it works a little easier with him on board if he isn’t going to lead.
I get McCory vibes from this guy, and unless he steps up his game and shows some form of spunk. I’ll pass.
We don’t need a policy wonk. We need a warrior, a meat eater, not a grass eater. Time is getting late, and the days a marquis of queensbury rules is long long over.
We’ll see. but I’m not hopeful. I don’t think He actually wants the job.
You want a warrior?, vote Folwell, you want a puppet? vote Robinson; that sir, is your choice.
My gut tells me Red is on MR’s campaign staff, and/or on UnpiParty establishment Team Berger-Team Moore..
Task Red was given; sway people towards Robinson on The Daily Haymaker.
It’s impossible to be undecided on the best candidate after spending 15 minutes reading about Robinson and Folwell here. .
But you keep trying, Red. Knock yourself out. ?
Mark Robinson is NOT a warrior although he plays one in speeches. He is all talk and no DO. It was gun rights issues that he used to first make his name in politics but he sat quiet as a church mouse while our liberal leaning Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger killed Constitutional Carry in North Carolina last session. Robinson was also Missing in Action in all the major liberal issues pushed by “the leadership” in the General Assembly – Obamacare Medicaid expansion, Green New Deal, NCInnovation slush fund, etc.
I want ACTION, NOT WORDS, to quote an old British Conservative Party campaign slogan, and that is Dale Folwell. It is certainly NOT Mark Robinson. Robinson has failed to engage on issue after issue, and that is NOT what we need as governor.
The guy that reminds me of McCrory is Mark Robinson. I served as a political appointee in the Jim Martin administration, and the big reason that Martin was a successful governor and McCrory a failure was staffing. Martin hired Republican and conservative activists who kept a handle on policy and worked to implement the conservative / Republican agenda. McCrory was almost alergic to hiring political activists. Half of McCrory’s initial cabinet appointees were not even Republicans and it got worse at levels below that. The blunders that cost McCrory reelection were self inflicted due to filling policy making positions with people not in line with Republican or conservative policy. He did not listen to anyone in the party structure or elected office. I remember having lunch with several legislators and one senator making the observation that “the best way to not get a job with McCrory was to have a Republican legislator recommend you” and gave several examples of highly competent GOP activists that legislators had recommended but were not hired.
Folwell understands staffing and has filled his staff with people who have the same policy agendas and who know what they are doing. He would be like Martin in successfully staffing a gubenatorial administration. Robinson has hired an incompetent staff even for the small Lt. Governor’s staff and clearly does not comprehend how to select the right people. Robinson would almost certainly be as bad as McCrory on staffing an administration, if not worse.
RED, with all due respect you can vote for someone like John Edwards – all glitz and glamour, smooth talking, “wanting the job”. I, for one, have followed Dale Folwell’s career since the House and can tell you there is no more dedicated, smart, hard working, God fearing, honest man than Dale Folwell. You don’t have to go very far back to look into his reckoning with the powers that be over health care management of the state employees plan. He is a person of commitment when he believes in what needs to be done. All I’m suggesting is open your mind, do a little research and know that he is far more qualified than MR. IMHO.
Thanks for that. I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
One correction. The primary election is on March 5, not March 6. I assume that was just a typo on your part. As I have said repeatedly, Dale Folwell is the only candidate for governor in North Carolina worth considering. His record of honest dedication to serving the people of North Carolina is impeccable. I have known Dale Folwell for about 25 years or so. I served briefly with him in the NC House before he went to the Commerce Department. I have detailed elsewhere how he helped me save a business in Harrisburg while he was at Commerce, and how he helped me help my constituents on a number of occasions when I was still in the House since he has been our Treasurer. I also know the other two GOP candidates, and I can tell you without doubt that Dale is the only one with both the competence and the devotion to our citizens, as well as the integrity to do the job of governor as it should be done. I was not one of the big wigs in Raleigh using my position to enrich myself personally by selling out to the highest bidder as some others do. I was there only to serve the Lord and our citizens, not the big money special interests, and not Thom Tillis or Tim Moore; so I know the difference, and Dale Folwell is simply one of the most honest public servants I know. I guarantee you, if we don’t elect Dale Folwell to be our next governor, honest citizens will have reason to regret it.
I hope he’s in the Mansion this time next year. If so, my friends and I plan to give him a gift, we’re going to turn out our swing district RINO rep, to help protect Dale’s veto.