CR’s Top 25 RINOs and Conservatives (NC has TWO in each list)
Good news first. Conservative Review — one of the strongest players in DC for conservative journalism – does a great job of digging into the voting records of the “Honorables” we send up there. They’ve put out rankings of The TOP 25 conservatives on Capitol Hill. North Carolina has TWO of those — Mark Meadows at #1 and
Ted Budd at #21. (Remember, this encompasses the House AND Senate.) South Carolina also has TWO on the good list — Jeff Duncan at #10 and Mark Sanford at #16.
Now, we get into the not-so-great stuff: The Top 25 RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Again, this ranking — like the previous one — is bicameral. Thom Tillis is ranked at #20 and Richard Burr is at #23. South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham comes in at #4. (You folks in The Palmetto State must be SO proud.) He’s just three spots behind his buddy John McCain, who comes in at #1 on this list.
Hmmm! Tillis is even out-liberaling Burr these days. Sickening!
And both being even less popular than Lindsey Graham. Does this guy REALLY think he’s Governor material?
Move along. Nothing to see here. We at the NCGOPe embrace the progressive ideas of our two progressive Republican senators, Tillis and Burr. Who cares if they make a mockery of our platforms, state and national, and go against the GOP voter base? They have an R by their name and that is all that matters to us. Who cares about silly principles and ideals?
You will soon see how close to us in the NCGOPe leadership team these progressive Republican US Senators are. They will soon be endorsing my sockpuppet, err, ah, State Chairman Robin Hayes. They are just like us. They have no principles – we have no principles. Besides, they owe us. We just got finished helping knock down Tillis’ rival Dan Forest over HB2, and we openly promoted Burr during his last primary.