America Speaks: The Daily Haymaker is among the nation’s BEST

rock on




The Washington Post went on a nationwide quest to find the blogs that do the best job of covering politics at the state level.  After combing through scores and scores and scores of reader recommendations — and doing some filtering  — The Post found at least one top quality candidate for each of these 50 states.

That leftist ragoops, I mean that fine high-quality publicationdetermined that The Daily Haymaker and McClatchy’s Under The Dome blog are the best political blogs in North Carolina.

Of course, if you scroll through the Post piece’s reader comments, you’ll see NOT EVERYONE was happy with our special recognition:


McClatchy political writer John Frank — who also serves as chairman of the creative writing department at McClatchy’s Raleigh campus — was very gracious to us:

Under the Dome is listed by The Washington Post as one of the top state-based political blogs. Dome appeared as the top blog in North Carolina along with The Daily Haymaker, a right-leaning outfit that likes to skewer Dome as often as possible, as well as Republican leaders the author deems as too meek for its taste. A lively read, for sure.

We are certainly glad that Mr. Frank got to share some of the national spotlight with us.  (C’mon, John.  I can’t get a link? )