Abandoning ship

Sundays are normally slow news days.  But not THIS Sunday.  The state politics chattering class is — this very day — chattering away about THIS:


So, we apparently have the top four posts in the Mark Robinson campaign being vacated.  It’s now September 22. Absentee ballots are reportedly being mailed out this week.  In-person early voting begins October 17.  Election Day is November 5.  Calling this crunch time would be an understatement. 

At this point, there is not a whole lot else these statewide campaigns can do — except focus like a laser on get-out-the-vote strategies.  Still — it’s not helpful to be short-handed at this stage in the game. 

Pogorzelski  has been with Robinson since the very beginning of the 2020 lieutenant governor campaign.  Whillier has helped Robinson raise an impressive amount of money.  She has also worked for AG candidate Dan Bishop, Lt. Gov candidate Hal Weatherman, and former Lt. Gov. Dan Forest. 

WUNC is reporting that three more staffers have joined this quartet — reportedly leaving the Robinson campaign with only three staffers (two communications staffers and a bodyguard) in the run-up to Election Day. 

So, it’s beginning to look like the finale to that movie starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.  It’s not looking good for the grassroots Republicans who invested so many of their hopes and dreams in Mr. Robinson.

It’s also a sad statement about our society that allegations of loitering on an X-rated website trump credible evidence of: mishandling government money, falsifying government reports, and failure to pay taxes, among other things.

(The last time I checked, hanging out on racy websites was not illegal.  Taking government money you are not entitled to, however, IS. 

If we’re going to get all heavy-handed about what people are looking at and saying on the Internet, why stop with Mark Robinson?  (He’s surely not the only Raleigh political / governmental figure with skeezy online interests.  And we are paying for those computers.)

As far as the R vs. D “competition” for governor goes, the race has been over.   (Surely, Roy and Kristin will be amenable to allowing Josh and Anna to start measuring for drapes in that big mansion on Raleigh’s Blount Street.)

What are conservatives to do?  Not many can feel comfortable about casting their precious vote for lil’ Josh.

The General Assembly has done a pretty good job of neutering the office of governor.  By holding a veto-proof legislative majority, holding the current judicial majorities, and electing Dan Bishop attorney general, Republicans can sit Governor Josh Stein in a corner for at least the next four years. 

The shoe-string budget Constitution Party has an interesting nominee in the governor’s race.  Vinny Smith is a Durham Jordan High and US Naval Academy alum, as well as a Navy veteran.  He appears to be a down-the-line limited government kind of guy.  He may be a long-shot, but you can feel better about yourself voting for someone like him.

Read more about Smith on his website and in this article.