McCrory admin stocking up on Dems
In the early days of the McCrory administration, we heard from transition insiders moaning about how Bev Perdue had loaded the bureaucracy with Democrat loyalists — even in posts typically meant to be gubernatorial appointments — before leaving office. But as we’ve moved further into the McCrory era, it appears Gov. Pat has become quite adept, himself, at stocking the bureaucracy with Democrat loyalists.
We’ve received reports from Jones Street about Democrats being appointed by the governor’s office to community college boards all over the state. The John Locke Foundation expressed shock at McCrory’s decision to appoint more Democrats than Republicans to the State Textbook Commission — which decides what our kids will be using in the classroom.
Now, let’s look at the state Department of Administration — specifically deputy secretary Speros Fleggas. Fleggas, of Raleigh, is a registered Democrat who — according to state board of elections records — voted with a Democrat ballot as late as May 2014. Jones Street sources tell me that the governor’s office has just appointed Fleggas to be the new “policy guy” over at NC DOA. That’s right. A Democrat loyalist will be in charge of setting policy at a cabinet-level agency.
This is starting to look a lot like what happened with Arnold Schwarzenegger in California. Conservatives and moderates came together to help the Republican Schwarzenegger throw out incumbent Democrat governor Grey Davis in a recall election. Arnold-backers envisioned all kinds of grassroots reforms. In the early days, Arnold got knocked around by the Democrats in the state legislature. Then, he hires Davis’ chief of staff to run his office. So, you then had the woman who helped execute the far-left agenda that got Grey Davis thrown out, and replaced by Arnold, running the day-to-day ops of the Schwarzenegger administration. And Republicans were left with the dilemma of watching a Republican governor they helped elect pushing a leftist agenda.
This is something that people have been discussing since fairly early in this administration, such as this thread that contains a lot of points about multiple departments:
McCrory is running a non-partisan administration, very different form either Governor Martin or Governor Holshouser, and that is sapping the enthusiasm among party activists. It is not just a matter of patronage, but also a matter of policy. He may well find himself without an energized base if he runs again in 2016. I have supported McCrory, but it concerns me with what I am hearing from other party activists. I hope that McCrory makes some major changes in the way he is staffing his administration, because the way he is doing it does not help his reelection chances.
Democrat Speros ; the same guy that lost aka wasted 11 million dollars with Beverly is now in charge of DOA policy.
( 11,000,000 ) really???
hurry hurry the democrats fox is in charge of the republican hen house!
Pat’s response; just because he worked for Beverly doesn’t mean he’s a liberal.
Grassroots ; but Pat he voted democrat in the last primary and other elections.
Pat’s response; so lots of my friends and associates voted Democrat last primary and other election but that doesn’t mean they are Liberals,
Grassroots; By looking at the list of appointments you have made all your friends are Democrats and yes they are liberals.
2016 will be here before you know it! I wonder if those liberals will vote for you?
Grassroots ; how many Republicans did Hunt, Easily and Beverly make appointments to while their administration’s was in charge?
Fact check answer: Pat has appointed more Democrats by his administration compared to Republican appointments by all three prior democrat administration combined.
Conservative from Charlotte; he’s not conservative trust me we’ve known him for a long time.
Hunt’s statement; Pat you’re doing a good job on appointments and I know that I’m your mentor when you need a list for more appointments let me know and I will have Roy bring them to your office.
The Governor is just asking for a primary in 2016. He has been such a major disappointment. Folks in Charlotte warned us about him–sadly, they were right.
Pat please call your office, Vegas has the odds on your reelection and it’s not looking good.
Atlantic City just posted the odds to the next appointment going to a democrat and it looks like its a slam dunk. You must have double down on this one.
Sounds like insider trading!
You validate daily the Founders’ wisdom for naming the press as an integral part of the First Amendment.
We’ll keep the Second Amendment revved, covering your six. Keep it up.
I guess it’s more influence from the Chamber of Commerce aka #ChamberOfCommunism or as Levin likes to say #ChamberOfCronyCapitalism.
Tom Donohue and his friends like Rove are “Bi-political” and they now run the GOP at every level.
Not every level. I know that there are some County leaders who already don’t like where the top leadership is taking their Party. I don’t know if McCrory will get a credible Primary but unfortunately, his base support going into 2016 is only going to erode further, is my guess.
Lt. Governor Dan Forest is looking better every day!