Drivebys do Left’s dirty work: tie Confederate flag, Nazi flag together

We know it’s a major component of the left’s campaign strategy for 2016:  demagogue the Confederate flag and make Southern Republicans PROVEdbm they are not racists.  It’s a move that would make Big Barry and Saul Alinsky’s rotting corpse proud.

Now, along comes McClatchy — which owns The N&O, The Charlotte Observer and  most of the remaining big drive-by newspapers in our fair state.  They’ve put out a piece, from one of their staff writers, entitled: How Germany dealt with its symbols of hate.  Oh, a history lesson about post-War Europe. But, no, we’re getting more than that: 

After 1945, almost anything that said Nazi-era was destroyed. Unmarked graves became the norm for Nazi officials. Chiseled swastikas were ground off buildings. Monuments and statues were torn down.

The Soviets ripped Hitler’s chancellery to pieces. Until recently, the ground where Hitler’s body was found, above the bunker in which he killed himself, was left as an unmarked parking lot. A military jail in Spandau (a district of Berlin) that was used to house high-ranking Nazis such as Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess was torn down to prevent it from becoming a site of pilgrimage to neo-Nazis. Officials went so far as to pulverize the bricks and throw the remains into the North Sea.

Not so the Confederate battle flag, which was rehabilitated by the Ku Klux Klan in the early 20th century. It found its way into cemeteries, flag stands and even as part of some official state flags. The flag itself would fly over statehouses in several former Confederate states.conf

Deidre Berger, director of the American Jewish Committee office in Berlin, notes that it’s difficult to compare anything to the mass genocide of the Holocaust. But, she said, the symbols of the Holocaust and of slavery both represent intense hatred.

“They’re symbols of a way of life that is completely unacceptable,” she said. “I think with the fall of the Nazi regime, Germans realized the only way to again become a valid nation was to eliminate the symbols. Banning them was appropriate. Americans made a different choice with the symbols of the Confederacy.”

*Thaaaaaat’s right.  Go overseas for commentary on how Americans ought to change their culture and beliefs.*

 Oh, it gets even more nauseating: 

“Symbols are important, they’re a shorthand groups use in a single image to convey a world of information,” said Mark Potok, an expert on extremism for the Soutdrivehern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., who notes that some Southern states took to flying the battle flag in the 1960s as a protest against the integration of schools. “The official reaction in recent weeks against the Confederate battle flag has been impressive, though you could argue it was 150 years late.”

It’s notable that when Ku Klux Klan members recently rallied in South Carolina, they carried both the battle flag and the Nazi swastika. The two flags in recent years have been commonly seen together at white supremacist groups and gatherings.

“Those who fly both flags rely on horribly distorted versions of history,” said Potok. “They both say that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, and that the Holocaust was exaggerated, or didn’t happen.”

Remember Potok?  He was the guy who publicly smeared The Family Research Council  — former Senate candidate Mark Harris’s friends — as hatemongers.  His rants inspired a leftwing kook to shoot up the Council’s DC offices.   *Miiiigthy appropriate* to be citing him as a source, huh? 

Brace yourselves folks.  This is just the warm-up act.  The world is on fire.  The economy is teetering on the edge.  Schools are a mess.  And we’re going to have in-depth debates on how the flag — a historical artifact — makes black people feel? 

And here is the final ridiculous reach: drive_by_media1

Just how many human beings were enslaved in the United States is a much debated topic. Records show that an estimated 450,000 Africans were kidnapped in Africa and brought to what became the United States. But generations of children born to those captives were slaves, too, and they numbered in the millions. By the time the Confederacy fell in 1865, the number of people who’d been held as slaves over the decades would be similar to the 11 million murdered by Nazi Germany, demographers say.

Whaaaaaaa ????  So, we’re tying an internal conflict inside the United States to a world-wide rampage by criminals who sought to take over the world and exterminate an entire race?   Unbelievable.  (But Barry Obama is president.  Nothing surprises me anymore.)