There are ONLY TWO genders, Dave and John. (Count ’em.)

For those of you wondering about those crazy, oddball, unsigned editorials in The Pilot newspaper, they are typically (9 times out of 10) the product of either publisher / owner David Woronoff or managing editor John Nagy.

Those two have made no secret of their disdain for the current majority on the Moore County Board of Education.  When the school board was controlled by a coalition of far-left activists and somnambulant geriatrics — who basically let the bureaucrats do whatever they wanted — Woronoff, Nagy & co. were happy.

Mrs. Nagy — John’s wife — was the minister of propaganda for that board majority.  If the paper or members of the public wanted to know something about the schools, they had to go through her.  Neither John nor David bothered to mention that to their readers.  The Pilot rarely attended school board meetings and only published *Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy* releases from Mrs. Nagy’s office.  For The Pilot’s management, and the public schools central office staff, life was good.  No one was watching.

Things changed after the 2020 and 2022 elections. A conservative majority was elected.  Mrs. Nagy left the central office to go work for the elected Democrat state auditor.  There was a noticeable change in the Nagy-run Pilot newsroom’s attitude toward the school board.  Scrutiny — from the far-left perspective, of course — was cranked way up.  Unsigned editorials bludgeoning the new majority began popping up on the op-ed page.

The Moore County Democrat Party and its outpost in the county schools central office are manning battle stations to take back the school board in November 2024.

Of course, The Pilot has done their bit for the campaign by endorsing the Democrats’ entire school board ticket.  One of their more interesting endorsements was for Amy Dahl:

That’s *nice.* But there’s a real elephant in the room they’re ignoring.  Dahl frequently offers left-wing rants to the school board before each of their meetings.  

At one meeting, she stated that teaching children there are only two genders is an “abuse of power.”  

(This woman — for what it’s worth — taught biology and other sciences in Moore County Schools for 8 years.)

Question:  Do Messrs. Nagy and Woronoff believe the teaching of there being only two genders is “an abuse of power”?  Their endorsed candidate appears to believe that as well as some other way out in left field things. 

Perhaps they could consult with gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson.  He appears to know just how many genders there are. 

The Dahl endorsement was flavored with some frustration by Nagy, Woronoff & co. over Dahl’s Republican opponent, Oscar Romine, blowing off their phone calls and requests for an interview.

Perhaps some of that scrutiny-in-service-of-Democrats Woronoff and Nagy have been wielding might be better put to use in an investigation into why so many Moore County residents – like Romine and so many others living outside Southern Pines and Pinehurst – hold their product in such low regard.