The seedy side of the amnesty / open borders movement
Foreigners are imported to America for the purpose of providing cheap labor and / or entertainment for wealthy business interests. You’d think we’re talking about colonial or pre-Civil War America. But no, we’re talking modern-day America.
We hear a lot about keeping parents and children together. We hear a lot about providing opportunity to folks who are oppressed in their homelands. (Never mind that said folks pass through five or six other countries to reach ours.)
Never mind that groups like The Chamber of Commerce and The Farm Bureau — two groups that would benefit greatly from the aforementioned “cheap” labor — are leading the pro-amnesty / open borders fight.
The Open Borders crowd is upping the ante by calling for the abolition of ICE. Before we get too excited and do THAT, let’s check out what ICE accomplished recently in Charlotte:
Evelyn Mack has pleaded guilty to federal charges of using her small private school next to East Mecklenburg High to falsely enroll foreign teens who were being sought by basketball recruiters and coaches.[…]
I hope the names and affiliations of these recruiters and coaches are made public. MORE:
[…] Mack, who has run the school on Monroe Road since 2000, pleaded guilty this week to a felony charge of concealing, harboring or shielding unlawful aliens. She has not yet been sentenced. She faces up to 10 years in prison and is out on bond.
A federal indictment says Mack took about $1,000 per student from athletic recruiters to falsely represent about 75 foreign teens as students in Evelyn Mack Academy, which was authorized to enroll high school students under F1 visas. It says she entered false information into the Department of Homeland Security’s computerized tracking system, allowing them to avoid detection by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE.[…]
[…] No details were provided on other cases, but the indictment says that Mack “falsely represented that approximately 75 aliens were full-time students” at Evelyn Mack Academy.
Evelyn Mack is listed in North Carolina private school directories at the Monroe Road location from 2000-2001 to 2016-17. In 2016-17 the academy was listed as having 22 students in grades 4-12.
The secretary of state’s office says “Evelyn Mack Academy, Inc.” was founded in 2000. Since 2005, it has been “administratively dissolved” and “reinstated” TWICE. It was administratively dissolved one last time on August 15, 2017.
But wait. It gets, um, *better.* :
[…] In 2016-17, state records show the academy received $25,200 in state money through the Opportunity Scholarship program that provides vouchers for low-income students to attend private schools.
The school does not appear in more recent directories or voucher reports. Court records show authorities issued an arrest warrant for Mack in February and she turned herself in March 2.[…]

One only has to look to Europe to see that cracking down on illegal immigration is a vote winner. In a recent series of elections in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, and Italy, parties taking very strong positions against illegal immigration have been winning smashing victories. Now in Sweden’s upcoming parliamentary election, a populist and nationalist anti-immigration party is surging in the polls, and almost certain to double its seats and likely emerge as the largest party in parliament, while the left of center Social Democrats are headed for their worst result in a century, and immigration, legal and illegal, is the issue driving that.
The new government in Italy has moved quickly in its first few weeks in power to stop illegal aliens coming in, barring the migrant “rescue ships” from unloading migrants in Italy and forcing small rubber boats with 1,000 illegal alien “asylum seekers” back to Libya where they launched. The new Italian government, as part of its coalition agreement has also pledged to deport all 650,000 illegal aliens in the country.
The Hungarian parliament has passed a new “Stop Soros” law that makes it a criminal offense punishable by jail to aid anyone illegally in country, with the only exception being if that person is later determined to qualify for asylum (which few do under Hungarian interpretations of treaty and law).
Austria has sent troops backed by armored vehicles to the border to stop illegal alien migrants from crossing.
It is not all just a recent phenomenon. A couple of years ago Poland dumped its President and parliament led by the center-right Civic Platform party because they had agreed to take in a few Muslim migrants, and replaced them with a President and parliamentary majority of the populist right anti-immigration Law and Justice Party, which has drawn a hard line in the sand and told the EU that Poland will take NO illegal aliens. In that same parliamentary election, both left of center parties in Poland lost all of their parliamentary seats.
Trump understands the politics and policy of immigration, but we have blithering idiots like Tillis and Graham who would rather pander to the special interests and push amnesty. The US would do well to follow the lead of Poland, Italy, Hungary, Austria, etc. in putting a stop to illegal alien incursions into our country.
Great article, I have been on the hay wagon for a while now. We are so blessed that we have somewhat limited being total swamped by immigration. That was the plan that Obama left for Clinton. They also put in a plan to protect us, The Strong City Network. Take a look at this video starring Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, Mayor Bill de Blasio and North Carolina’s sweetheart Loretta Lynch.