Teaching there are ONLY two genders is an ABUSE OF POWER ???

THAT is the position of a woman who taught SCIENCE to high schoolers in Moore County for nearly a decade.  Amy Dahl wants to take her special kind of left-wing wackiness to our county board of education in November.   We thought we had a real chance at conservative reform after the 2022 elections.  But thanks to the treachery of Bob Levy and his cabal, the loony left smells blood and senses a great opportunity to take over in Carthage.  Dahl is one of the loony-left’s foot soldiers. She’s already gained some world-wide notoriety via Libs of TikTok.  Take a minute or so to watch this and get a feel for her wackiness:

Thanks to the Levy-inspired treachery out there, this kook has a good chance of getting elected to the county board of education. Her opponent is a parent, Army veteran, and entrepreneur named Oscar Romine.  For the love of our kids, get to know Mr. Romine and support him on Election Day.