Radical left keeps on raging against history
They can’t sell the Democrat platform to anyone living outside Durham, Wake, Orange, or Buncombe counties. So, they’re left with whipping up racial animosity and attacking people who’ve been dead for 100 years. (Oh, and trashing the good ol’ American “okay” sign.)
Lefties have cheered the vandalism and destruction of a war memorial on the UNC campus. They forced the university to change the name of the football stadium.
They’re attacking the namesake of Carrboro and threatening to change the town’s name. For what its worth, I Loooooooove how the Sons of Confederate Veterans handled the “threat”:
[…] In a statement to ABC11, a spokesman for the NC Sons of Confederate Veterans says “Frankly, I’m not sure any issue involving modern-day Carrboro is worth our time or worry. However, we generally oppose the practice of renaming places and objects, especially those named after our Confederate ancestors.” […]
*Boom!* [*mic drop*]
Oh, and while we’re at it — here’s some, um, “inconvenient” information for the losers trying to paint Julian Carr as an unfeeling racist:
[…] During his lifetime, Carr was said to have given away a fortune. His three great loves were the Methodist church, The University of North Carolina, and the Confederate veterans. To all of these he contributed generously. His concern with education was broad, and he also aided Davidson, Wake Forest, St. Mary’s, Elon, and Greensboro colleges, among others. He contributed to orphanages and to homes for
Confederate veterans and widows. As a trustee of Trinity College, then located in Randolph County, he led a campaign to raise funds to move the school to Durham, where it afterward became Duke University. He was also a benefactor of the Training School for Colored People, Augusta, Ga., and American University, Washington, D.C. He was a member of the original committee that proposed the organization of the Methodist Assembly at Lake Junaluska and was on its first executive committee.
In 1881, Carr met a young Chinese boy, Charles J. Soong, who had arrived in the port of Wilmington aboard a trading ship. Carr learned that Soong had sought baptism at the local Methodist church and that he wanted to remain in America for an education. Carr aided him to attend Trinity College and then continue his education at Vanderbilt University. The two became lifelong friends, and Carr accepted Soong as a member of his own family. When he returned to China, Soong worked in the Methodist China Mission and established a business to print Bibles in Chinese. His youngest daughter was Madame Chiang Kai-shek.[…]
*(Sigh). What a monster.*
Now, they’re taking aim at a former chief justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court:
One morning in late October 1831, a plantation owner took a walk around his Alamance County property. He ran a brutal operation there on the Big Alamance Creek. His overseers burned his slaves, rubbing salt and pepper into their wounds. He sold husbands away from wives and children away from parents. And he was silent partner in a slave-trading business that bought people in the border states and sold them at a profit in the deep south.
That morning the man worried over a rumor that a young enslaved woman named Bridget—whom he had decided was a bad influence—was trespassing on his property. He spotted her near his mill buildings. They had words and she gave him – he wrote – “a look of insolent audacity which Patience itself could not swallow.” Grabbing a rod, he “gave her a good caning.” Regretful, the man soon sought forgiveness — from Bridget’s owner, for damaging his property.
As it happens, you can still see this man: in Raleigh. To find him, go to the the third floor of the Law and Justice Building on Morgan Street. Enter the paneled courtroom of the state Supreme Court and look up at the bench. You’ll find him framed on the wall at the focal point of the room, between two majestic columns. You really can’t miss him; he is three times the size of the other portraits. He is Thomas Ruffin, chief justice from 1833 to 1852 and still, as his portrait’s position suggests, the most celebrated judge in the state’s history.[…]
Is the nickname of our state — The Tar Heel State — next? Or the name of the UNC-Chapel Hill athletic teams? Or even the town in Bladen County?
NONE of this historical cleansing benefits the modern day populace of North Carolina even ONE IOTA. It’s kind of like Jesse Jackson introducing the term “African-American” to replace “black.” It was a distraction from the fact that the alleged political protectors of black folks had failed them miserably.
Lefties can’t deliver on their horrid, destructive agenda. SO the distractions keep on coming.
The War on History has gone far beyond the War Between the States. The far left is attacking monuments for the founding fathers, great explorers like Columbus, assassinated President William McKinley, and even Joan of Arc. In Maryland, they are trying to have a monument to soldiers killed in World War I removed. That case is supposed to go before the US Supreme Court this term. The Fourth “Circus” Court of Appeals ruled against that monument. I am sure that monuments for the Mexican War, the Texas War of Independence, and the Spanish American War will soon be under attack.
What we have is a war on our history and culture and those behind it need to be stopped. We have to draw a line in the sand and say our historic monuments STAY PUT.
Reminds me of a statement made about Bear Bryant. It was said “he can take hisen and beat yourn or take yourn and beat hisen”
They, the Marxist, have taken our youngsters away from us by intentionally erasing history and the importance of same. Ref the 10 planks of communism. Question is, are we going to CONTINUE to allow them to take ours to beat us? If we do we will lose.
Browny Douglas
It’s not the radical leftists that scare me—it’s the stupid Republicans on the UNC Board of Governors who keep pushing political correctness and allowing the radical leftist takeover of our university system. They are the real culprits. The legislature should fire them all.
When you sell BOG seats for campaign contributions the way Thom Tillis did, this fiasco is what you get. BOG seats should go only to strong leaders committed to education reform.