#ncga: Steinburg basketball tourney ONE HOT MESS
We’ve covered state Rep. Bob Steinburg’s venture into sports promotion — funded by Currituck County tax dollars — pretty extensively. This time we have a series of emails between officials at the Asheville Civic Center and Bob Steinburg, Jr. — who is apparently now helming the visitcurrituckobx.com Battle for The Blue Ridge to be held in Asheville over Thanksgiving weekend.
Judging from recent emails, things are not going well for the big “Battle.” Here’s Steinburg, Jr. writing to an Asheville official:
[…] As I mentioned before, the tech/logistic/etc is not my area of expertise. I have been spread thin on this one and actually got out of coaching to run it, so as not to have a mess.
The guy who is to handle logistics and the bulk of scheduling {he is a master with this stuff), had to obligate the rest of his contract with his current employer, and my father, as you know, is in a current heated Senate race
(on that his opponent and those from the other side that simply cannot beat him on the real issues /in ugly politics) have tried to use this tournament (the sponsor being a visitors’ bureau from his district—which was done completely the right way, the fact that the tournament is in NC and also involves another NC visitors’ bureau Explore Asheville, and the absolute lack of help from our friend (who will remain un-named until you and I talk…and some of the things that have gotten back to me (not just from you) that we will discuss and not put in writing}, this has gotten messy and we can discuss on the phone
…..but nevertheless, it has ALL fallen on my lap. A lot for one person to handle. Not that you care, but I literally had to walk away from a 6-figure job that I worked 21 years building my career, with a car stipend, phone, a free house, great health benefits, and a retirement that triples most Fortune-SOD companies to do damage control and save the day…or at least try….all to hopefully break event.
I am not happy about it, especially with the parts that could have and should have been averted, as well as people’s extreme views and how they fog every portion of their lift.
Again…………………………………………………………………………………… I am going off on a tangent, but this is to be spoken on the telephone. Alf I can say is, imagine knowing you left being the Associate Head Coach of the Charlotte Hornets, or Offensive Coordinator of the Charlotte Panthers, to become GM of US Cellular Arena, but you were working for free and had 2 part-time workers helping you /in every single facet ofthearena…………………….. facilities, marketing, graphic design, community relations, and every other duty and personnel it takes to run your beautiful arena) with a deadline. And were getting
no help for political reasons (that have nothing to do ANYTHING) even though you were told they would be a HUGE help?!?!
Throw deadlines in. Impossible, huh? So you can understand why I have so many questions, why I am frustrated by a great deal of things, and why I want to have a private conversation. Let me emphasize, you have been fantastic and I have a great deal of respect for you and how you run things. After our conversation, I think you will understand the position I am in right now.[…]
Apparently, from this conversation, we’re learning that someone official in Currituck is asking questions and wanting to see documentation of exactly what the county is getting for its money. Again, here is a Q&A between Steinburg, Jr. and the manager of the Asheville civic center (Junior’s questions are in red) :
[..] I need a few analytic numbers to provide for the title sponsor,as they keep blowing me up,as if I have a complete analytics department (great people, but providing analytics was not in our contract with them but may be able to the political pressure down). I can get a few more detailed numbers in the end,but if you can get me these few things,that would be perfect.
[…] When did the event go up on your website? What are the approximate hits to your website each day (if that is how it is measured)?
In the last month we have had 12,300 unique visitors to our website. However there have been zero unique visitors to the event page for Battle in the Blue Ridge in the same 30 day period.[..]
That’s right. ZERO unique visitors. But the tale of woe from Steinburg, Jr. was not over:
[…] We will be sending out a blast to potential ticket purchasers. As I mentioned to you before, MTEs neverpushtickets.
Most…even the big ones likeThe Battle for Atlantis,Gulf-Coast Classic,etc.have less than 100 people in the stands. Unfortunately, starting with the political fires, we were forced to “hurry up and get the last 2 teams” when that is not how you schedule in Division I.
This left us with more limitations for regional coverage,as well as allowing 2 teams in for free (which basically left us paying for these teams (their portion of the gym rental, officials, etc.). This left $50-7Sk that we didn’t make off the teams, as well as losing 35k in their official’s fees and 15k in their portion of the gym.
We realized with this being our first one (together as a team) that we would not make much money. It was more important that it just go well. We did not anticipate the unwarranted political issues that have made things difficult. With that being said, combining with time being spent putting out politically inspired fires, the lack of assistance and sentiment being soured from the un-named person we will discuss on the telephone,being short-staffed because of some contractual obligations with our partner that we did not find out about until early summer, the fact that we want to make this different than most Division I MTE’s, and truth be told (and this is completely mine and my father’s fault) we thought that by giving you 20% of ticket sales,that you had personnel in place,to assist in pushing ticket sales.
Again,that is all on us. […]
So let me get this straight, the “title sponsor”, Currituck, has the gumption to ask what they are getting for their $50K? Isn’t that what we want from local government, fiscal responsibility? “We realized with this being our first time…”, you would think that with over a year to prepare in the business of sports promotion it should have gone better. As for this being “political”, welcome to the world of business, most customers expect results and the proof to go with it. Finally, as I recall, no one forced Wolfestein to pick an election year for their experiment.
Wow. What a load of BS from BS. “I quit my job over this”. I don’t believe that this man quit his job. Did you see the salary and the benefits!? If I was his wife and he quit his job over this, I would be FURIOUS. This man has a family to support, but nah, I quit to try to salvage my dad’s political career that pays roughly $12,00 a year. Not very believable folks. I will not be riding this RINO to Raleigh.
If Steinburg was going to be running in a very marginal Senate district like that one, he should have not gotten involved in this fustercluck. Even more so, he should not have dragged his pall Hanig into it and create a political risk in that House district as well. If he was bound and determined to do this, he should have sought other sponsorship, perhaps with his Big Solar or Big Wind buddies or with the radical Environmental Defense Fund that is endorsing him. That would have avoided throwing Hanig’s chestnuts into the fire.
Wonder how many Currituck Commissioners are going to the tournament on the County’s nickel – tickets, lodging & meals?