MRS. BILL CLINTON is lecturing Donald Trump on how to treat the ladies. (SERIOUSLY.)
THAT is what went down at the debate the other night. Hills came to the defense of Miss Venezuela, of all people, and the likes of CNN joined her:
Former “Miss Universe” Alicia Machado struck back Tuesday against insults hurled at her by Donald Trump, saying that he was “aggressive” and “really rude.”
Machado, who represented Venezuela in Trump’s 1996 “Miss Universe” competition said that Trump called her “Miss Housekeeping” and “Miss Piggy” when she gained weight after winning the beauty pageant.“I know what I left with him and he knows, too. And he was really aggressive. He was really rude. He was a bad person with me,” she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on “AC360.” “That is the story that I need to share with my community. We cannot accept no more insults for my Latin community. No more insults for the women. I know very well Mr. Trump and I can see the same person that I met 20 years ago.”
[…] At the presidential debate on Monday, Clinton referenced Machado to make a bigger point to Trump about his public treatment of women — which has become a key campaign issue that hits on his vulnerabilities with both Hispanics and women.“And one of the worst things he said was about a woman in a beauty contest — he loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them — and he called this woman ‘Miss Piggy,’ then he called her ‘Miss Housekeeping’ because she was Latina,” Clinton had said.She continued: “Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado. And she has become a US citizen and you can bet she is going to vote this November.”[…]
The former Miss Universe at the center of a bitter exchange in Monday’s presidential debate was accused of aiding a would-be murderer and threatening to kill a judge, it has emerged.
Alicia Machado was named by Hillary Clinton as having been shamed for her weight in 1996 by Donald Trump, when she was Miss Universe and he bought
the beauty contest, by being called ‘Miss Piggy’ when she gained weight.
The then Miss Venezuela was photographed with Trump at a gym as he spoke about how she ‘loves to eat’, and she also claimed he mocked her Latino accent, calling her ‘Miss Housekeeping’.
On Tuesday Machado launched her own attack on the Republican candidate, accusing him of abuse and ‘stupid things’.
But now two Associated Press reports from 1998 have revealed the Machado was accused of aiding attempted murder and threats to kill in Venezuela. has asked the Clinton campaign whether they knew about the accusations, which do not appear to have ended in conviction, before the candidate spoke about her at the debate.
The campaign also organized a conference call for reporters on Tuesday with the now 39-year-old actress, in which she spoke almost exclusively in Spanish to continue the attacks on Trump.
The troubling details of what Machado was accused of emerged after she had reigned as Miss Universe in 1996.
In January 1998, the Associated Press revealed that Machado had been accused in court documents in Cadacras of driving her boyfriend from the scene of a shooting.
She was ordered to testify in court, with her lawyer telling a local newspaper that she was in fact filming a soap opera at the time.
The murder, it was alleged, was the culmination of a bitter feud.
Machado’s boyfriend, Juan Rodriguez Reggeti, was accused of shooting his brother-in-law, Francisco Sbert Moukso – at the funeral of the dead man’s wife, Maria Rodriguez, who was the alleged murderer’s sister.
Sbert’s attorney alleged that Reggeti believed the dead man had driven his sister to suicide and took revenge, the Associated Press said.
Rodriguez was eight months pregnant when she jumped to her death off a fifth-floor balcony.
The attorney also alleged that witnesses saw Machado drive her boyfriend away from the scene of the crime, and that her boyfriend had snatched the dead woman’s 11-month-old son as well.
Remember, this same candidate expressing all of this alleged outrage expended a lot of time and energy trashing and villifying the women who brought forth serious accusations against her very own husband.
Maybe she and Hitlary share something in common…..the same hit man. Wonder where this “boyfriend” was when each of the Clinton bodies happened?
Attacking the messenger is a tactic of the Democrats. You’ve stooped to that level. Why?
Because evangelicals and fundamentalists struggled to support horny dog Newt Gingrich in 2012. He had multiple affairs and wives and then the NCGOP brought him to NC to campaign for their “gay marriage” amendment so he could lecture us on the SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE. Ha. Now they find themselves having to defend Donald “my daughter is hotter than any of my wives” Trump and that isn’t easy.