How sausage gets made at The N&O
Things have been a wee bit tough over in the sparsely-populated N&O newsroom. McClatchy paid waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for this rag to the people who now own our local paper.
Layoffs, buyouts, and retirements have helped weed out what little talent once haunted that money-hemmorhaging newsroom. Reporters cost money (and bring with them the risk of lawsuits).
Most people assume that — to get the best coverage of state politics — you’d need to turn to the paper in the state capital. But take a good look at just who has a BIG say in what gets covered politically in the pages of Raleigh’s favorite grocery coupon supplier and birdcage liner:
She appears serious, folks. This — as far as we can tell — is not a parody. It actually brings back memories from a few years back where she appeared to spend a substantial part of the work day tweeting about the activities occurring outside her office window.
I’m thinking we need to pair her with state Rep. Tricia Cotham (D R) who also loves her some Twitter/X. *Oh, the profundity that could be generated from such an encounter. *