Gov. Stoopid opens mouth, inserts foot AGAIN
So, Roy Cooper thinks Mark Robinson talking about guns as the best protection against authoritarianism in government is “dangerous”?
WELL, I beg to differ. I think it’s more dangerous to grant someone as low-IQ as Cooper is ’emergency powers’ that apparently never expire. Cooper now has a whole lot more power over our lives than any other governor has ever had. Our alleged protectors, the NCGOP, gave them to him to fight COVID and are apparently letting him keep them. It’s kind of like giving your teenagers a bunch of beer and your car keys. *What could go wrong?*
Roy Cooper spent 16 years as state attorney general campaigning for higher office. He wrecked the state crime lab, and pretty much accomplished nothing. He was lucky enough to face off against Pat McCrory, an even bigger boob than he is. So, now he’s governor. He’s done nothing but whine about Jones Street Republicans. (Oh, and campaign for higher office. Heads up, Thommy.) Lucky for him, he’s got a stable full of boob Republicans on Jones Street ready to give him pretty much anything he wants.
Commented in another post on this matter.
So RObinson is MORE dangerous than Coop’s 2Y SOE…what exactly is the ’emergency’ that is causing us to be so entwined? COVID…numbers are quite low ? Can’t be that…so exactly what is the reason we remain in a SOE? Can NC Gen Assembly find that answer, please!
Medicaide expansion get us out of SOE?
Phil Berger is constantly selling us out, using those sneaky and underhanded last minute “committee substitutes” that destroy legislative transparency and honesty in government. He did that on the socialist Obamacare Medicaid expansion. He did it on the far left NC Green New Deal (HB951). He did it on repealing NC’s bathroom / locker room privacy law (HB2). The just adopted NCGOP state Republican platform, unanimously adopted a couple of weeks ago, denounced this dishonest legislative tactic used to pull the wool over the eyes of the GOP base, and here Berger uses it to screw the Republican base yet AGAIN. All of these key sellouts by Berger were pushing Roy Cooper’s policies and dead set against the views of the Republican grassroots. In fact, a recent poll showed a solid majority of NC Republican voters oppose Medicaid expansion, but Phil Berger was more interested in pushing the policy of Roy Cooper than of voters of his own party.
This arrogant attitude by idiot Phil Berger, coupled with similar stupidity by Mitch McConnell, may well blow up the Red Wave because conservative voters see no point in electing traitors who will try to out-liberal the Democrats. We saw that with repealing HB2. In 2016, when Republicans stood strong on bathroom privacy, we overcame Democrat challenges and actually gained a seat in the legislature. In 2018, when Republicans caved in to Cooper and the far left and repealed HB2, we lost out super majority in the legislature, because Christian conservatives felt betrayed (as they had a right to) and stayed home.
Kicking our own base in the ‘nads is NOT smart election strategy on any of these issues. An off year election depends on a motivated party base, and our moronic leadership in Raleigh and Washington is trying to destroy that motivation.