The new R’s in public education: Rapin’, Riotin’, Retaliatin’, Ravagin’, and Rampagin’.

New stats from NC DPI show that assaults on teachers and school personnel (by the little darlings, of course) in  Durham are sky-rocketing.  And to think that the SJW snowflakes who run that place are so fixated on racist tree canopies and further neutering the police.

DPI tracks the 16 “reportable offenses” — as shocking, if not more so, than  George Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words — by school, system, and county. 

Said offenses include: rape, kidnapping, sexual assault, and assault on school personnel. 

For 2015-2016,  here are some of the, um, “highlights”:

  • Alamance-Burlington Schools had 26 assaults on school personnel included in a total of 161 “reportable offenses” for the school year.
  • Buncome County Schools had 217 of these “reportable offenses.”
  • Cumberland County had 561 “reportable offenses” for the school year (incluiding 210 assaults on school personnel).
  • Guilford County had ONE rape and 95 assaults on school personnel included in a total of 616 “reportable offenses”.
  • Durham County had 383 reportable offenses that year — including 39 assaults on school personnel, 1 armed robbery, 1 sex offense, and 1 sex assault.
  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg had 1371 reportable offenses that year — including 301 assaults on school personnel, three armed robberies, one sex offense, and one sex assault.
  • Robeson County, regularly ranked as one of the most violent counties in the state, only had 210 reportable offenses that year.
  • Moore County only had 84 reportable incidents — including five assaults on school personnel, and one assault resulting in serious injury.
  • Wake County had 829 reportable incidents — including 46 assaults on school personnel, one burning of a school building, and nine sexual assaults. (Currituck County had two incidents where school buildings were burned.)