Tilli$ Time Machine: J6, Trump impeachment
Just in case anyone from Team Trump is thinking about sending The Big Guy down to save Thommy’s chestnuts from the voters, let’s take a look at some of the things Tilli$$$ had to say about former president Trump circa 2021:
[…] “The most serious aspect of President Trump’s conduct was not necessarily what he said in the lead-up to the attack of the Capitol, but the leadership he failed to provide to put an end to it, and yet the House curiously chose not to file a charge or build their case around this point.
“It is important to note that a not guilty verdict is not the same as being declared innocent. President Trump is most certainly not the victim here; his words and actions were reckless and he shares responsibility for the disgrace that occurred on January 6. […]“Everyone knew going into this impeachment trial that it would infuriate one half of the electorate regardless of the outcome and make our nation even more polarized. I hope that the end result is short-lived, and the responsibility falls on all of us to do better. Elected officials must stop embracing and propagating dangerous and baseless conspiracy theories that undermine the faith we have in our nation and our institutions. And when we see violence, anarchy, and thuggery—regardless of whether it comes from white nationalists in the Capitol or ANTIFA in the streets of Portland and Seattle—we have an obligation to condemn it. And most importantly, we need to stop casting those who we disagree with as ‘enemies’ with evil motives and instead recognize that despite our differences we are all fellow Americans.”
O-kay. *Never mind all of the incriminating video out there of: (1) cops ushering people into The Capitol, (2) cops taunting and agitating demonstrators, (3) cops turning firehoses on the crowd early on, (4) cops targeting protesters with concussion grenades, (5) a black female cop beating the crap out of an unconscious woman at the building’s perimeter, and (6) a black cop shooting to death an unarmed white woman who had been ushered into The Capitol building.*
It’s much more crossing-the-aisle fun to bash your party’s leader and voters. Thommy gets a lot of face-time on CNN and ABCNBCCBS for stabbing his own people in the back like this. A real leader would launch a honest investigation into what happened.
A real leader would be questioning the Justice Department’s Third-World-banana-republic antics related to January 6: rounding people up months and years later and holding them in jail for months and years without hearings, attorneys, or charges. *You know, like the grandma sentenced to eight years in prison for breaking a window. Most murderers, gang members, Antifa and cartel types don’t get hit that hard by the Biden Justice Department.*
Unfortunately, we in North Carolina don’t have any *real* leaders *representing* us. The only one we can see on the horizon is the man getting sworn in as president on January 20, 2025.
The single most important political thing we North Carolinians can do in the next two years is to show that absolute pr$ck the door.
We need the fiercest, most charismatic (sorry Dan and Dale), viciously vetted (sorry Mark) candidate in this state who can go scorched earth on this clown, defeat him and then go after the corrupt Democrat candidate (should be a laydown if it is screw-WNC-Covidian tyrant Cooper).
We need a WINNER.
Not sure who that is but we need to get cracking. Because this guy has inflicted too much damage for far too long.
PS Please remember WNC this Christmas season. We should be ENRAGED about what has happened to our neighbors. ENRAGED.
Well, I agree with you. However, we are dealing with a huge chasm politically. Obviously, between Democrats and Republicans, but more importantly for us between Republicans. For example, I was listening to ‘Talk of the Town’ just this morning. Henry was lecturing us about the reasons we failed so miserably in the recent elections, particularly with council of state races. Of course, his take is that we are killing ourselves with these far-right candidates, and that we are a purple state, and we better get our mess together if we are to re-elect Thom Tillis.
What can you say to that? I know I’m not excited about re-electing big boy britches Thom. Our last state Republican Convention censured him. Many of our local Republican groups censured him. This tenuous relationship between NC GOPe and grassroot Republicans can only end in more disasters. It seems to me we should either split formally or make some working deal that can somewhat work. Or, we could wrest control from the pay to play crooks running things now. This unequal present relationship surely doesn’t work.
Who follows Hinton?
He was McCrory’s puppet. Transported Pat across eastern NC and every ECU event for the sole purpose of being appointed to BOG; one term, mind you.
I’ve never listened to his show.
FAR-RIGHT? Of whom does he speak, unless he’s speaking of Robinson. Falwell was far-right? Suppose he didn’t vote/support Morrow either; so, what is his terminology for Mo Green??????? Normal?
The 1st post states the task very succulently, we must FIND, appoint and ALL work like trojans to support THE candidate. It CANNOT be anyone tied to the ncgop, period. The farther away the connection/network to the ncgop, the better. And I also agree, Bishop, Falwell ran really poor campaigns. (Forest-like). Robinson needs to go away forever.
Reading over data today, top of ticket to his race, 3x the 2020 drop-off voter occurred. He lost by 15%. He cannot be elected to office, and HE DESTROYED the ticket.
Hinton is GOPE Radio. E for Establishment.
It’s a shame we don’t have another radio host in NC who is Pro-MAGA.
I remember living in Wilmington about 10-15 years ago. We had two outstanding talk radio hosts who were anti-establishment tea party (this was what MAGA was 10-15 years ago, before Trump).
I miss listening to Curtis Wright and Chad Adams!!!
I think some of the Chamber of Commerce Republicans follow Hinton. You’re right about the palling around, hobnobbing and BOG appointment stuff. FAR-RIGHT? I suspect that’s anyone to the right of him. Folwell went afoul of Hinton when he requested price transparency from Vidant (ECU Health). That’s a big no no for Henry. I’ve never heard Hinton mention Mo Green, but I have felt the condescension when Morrow’s name came up. He loved Truitt.
That’s the root of my problem with the other faction of the party. I imagine the organized party would have helped their RINO buddies across the finish line. I very seriously doubt the NC GOPe types are very upset with a Mo Green at NC Superintendent of Public Instruction rather than Morrow or another Democrat at Attorney General rather than Bishop. They are still butt hurt over the Truitt primary ouster, and I’m pretty sure they are happy to have Bishop out of the way for a while. Those things are deal breakers for me.
I’ve never supported Tillis before now. I’ve followed his history from the start. Nothing has happened to change my mind. Quite the contrary.
Ronald Reagan nor Jesse Helms would salvage Tillis for me.
However, we have NO Reagans or Helms in the party any longer.
We have uniparty zealots. And they are entrenched, fully armed and only a civil war, literally, will unseat or break that hold.
I’m ready to be a soldier
Perhaps I am naive but I really do not give a flying flip about the “Republican” party apparatus. Whenever I listen to these people, I am forever astounded by how unimpressive they are and how much “control” they apparently wield. I just don’t get how these people cannot be “overturned.”
There are many people, myself included, who do not pay attention to the mechanisms of the party machine. We need a heads up about upcoming meetings, about who can attend and about what we should be doing. Any advance notice would be greatly appreciated AND perhaps such notice will generate the necessary “power in numbers” to shake up this corrupt as F and so incompetent RINO monster.
I truly believe people were shocked by how poorly the NCGOP did on the down ballot (they should not have been but whatever), are so disappointed in Bishop’s pathetically milquetoast campaign, are pissed as Hell about WNC, are disgusted by the Griffins recount and Neanderthal Simmons’ knuckle dragging response, loathe Tillis with a pathological vengeance, get incoherent babble out of the mouths of our elected NC officials and cannot believe Cooper/Stein have never been held accountable for literally anything. They want change. They just don’t know what to do. So, let’s start with basics: tell us where to go and when.
At this point we can only go up.
And surely there is some great candidate waiting in the wings to go after that bastard Tillis because God knows we need him.
Yeah, I’m usually not that impressed with the party people either. There are a few notable exceptions to that rule. They seem to have just enough power to be irritating and sometimes destructive. In most of the counties that I know of it is sort of hard to overturn them, but it is generally a hold they have by fairly slim margins. That’s my experience.
In my county we were dealing with these people back and forth for years. In 2019 they made a big power play at our county convention – flooded the place with people we had never seen before and many of them we have never seen since. They made special convention rules to purge the party, and they have mostly held that power ever since. We’re always a few votes away from getting back on a more even footing. Ironically, a lot of those few votes we desperately need are the people who have left because they loath the people that have done all this. I also loath many of them, but I’m too stubborn to let them run me off on their terms. That’s what we are talking about when we say we need people to commit themselves to 4 days a year.
The county parties are required to give a public notice of precinct meetings and county conventions. Many times, those notices are sort of buried and sort of done just to technically meet the requirement. You might be able to find out precinct member information from the county board of election, or at the party HQs if you find someone trustworthy to speak with. There’s a wide range of what you may encounter at a party HQs – from very good to a special kind of awful. That’s the deal in my county. Hope it’s not that bad in most other counties. Also, might find out some stuff like that from comments on sites like this (The Daily Haymaker) or sites like The Beaufort Observer for places east of 95. You might find some of that info on party webpages although that may or may not be a good source depending on the specific county organization. Precinct meetings and county conventions are typically scheduled in March.
If you can get to a county convention, you will see the path to district conventions and the state convention.
I’m also waiting for that great candidate. It’s been a long time since Jesse Helms.