STILL fleecing the taxpayers @ UNC
We already tipped you off about the sweet, sweet $$$$ deal extended to F.O.T (Friend-Of-Timmy) Clayton Somers. It seems like all that was just the tip of the seedy, smelly, stinky polluted iceberg:
A dozen administrators from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill received a combined total of nearly $200,000 in pay raises this summer. Most state employees got a $1,000 across-the-board pay bump that was passed into law by the North Carolina General Assembly.
Now, WBTV’s continuing investigation has uncovered more information showing all top UNC administrators received pay raises this summer. In addition to Somers’ raise, the rest of the half-dozen administrators saw raises ranging from $7,771 to $27,136.
The average pay raise was $15,610.
When questioned about Somers’ raise late last month, a UNC spokeswoman attributed the five-figure pay increase to two positive performance reviews.
A school spokeswoman acknowledged WBTV’s request for comment regarding the 11 other top administrators who received raises in July, but did not respond to a call and email seeking comment Thursday night.

[…] The pay increases came just days before a new provision passed in the 2017 budget would have required approval by the UNC Board of Governors for at least three of the raises.
The new law requires the board of governors to approve any pay increase of five percent or more for any employee making $100,000 or more.
Of the twelve administrators who received pay raises, three of them amounted to raises of at least five percent.
Keep this locked away the next time you have these “higher-education” types crying about being cash-starved.
Well why the heck not do this? All they have to do is get some more students to sign up for a little bit larger student loan to hopefully be able to pay off by the time they are 50 years old. I am sure they all will fully repay the “investment” by more hard work (sarcasm).
I have scoured the NC University academic websites to see where I can apply for “VP Common Sense”, a position very much needed within the system which I believe I am eminently qualified for…no other candidates need apply. It should be funded just below the Chancelor, and be equal in rank. What say you?