(*SIGH.*) Gomer is STAYING.

Governor Gomer Pyle wants all of us to think he’s taking himself out of the running to be Kamala’s right-hand man. Translation: Ol’ Roy has heard who the finalist(s) is/are, and he ain’t it. (The saving of one’s face.)

A massive wave of cheating is about the only way Kamala will have something to celebrate on Election Night.  Ol’ Roy has had a bit of success here in Raleigh.  The Jones Street GOP has occasionally given him more than he wanted on some budgetary lines.  He somehow got legislators to pass Medicaid expansion (after roundly denouncing the idea just a few years earlier).

And now he’s pushing through a deal to wipe out billions of medical debt for hundreds of North Carolinians. Stuff like that is likely to buy one a lot of goodwill should they decide to file against highly-unpopular Thomas Roland Tillis in the 2026 US Senate race.  Governor Pyle IS pretty much the biggest star North Carolina Democrats have on the horizon.

Hanging around through the end of his term would keep him in town to help his pal Josh Stein make it to the Executive Mansion. Though, the job description for governor has been so whittled down by legislative Republicans.  It might soon be worth less than that ”warm bucket of spit” John Nance Garner used to value the job of vice-president.

(*The winner in 2024’s gubernatorial race is likely to spend the ensuing four years clipping Phil Berger’s toenails and begging to be excused for bathroom breaks.* )