Lt. Dan: It’s FBI Time!



It’s no secret that Lt.  Governor Dan Forest is seeking the governor’s office.



I had a good discussion last week with someone very close to Forest.  I let this person know that it was way past time to back off the ribbon-cuttings and start the process of reducing Roy Cooper to Jello.  Judging from what came over the transom yesterday,  my message was received:


Lt. Governor Dan Forest today issues the following statement in regard to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline:


In light of yesterday’s released report, it is clear that the FBI Public Corruption Unit should be involved.


Governor Cooper’s top aide left an email and text trail that shows the Cooper administration lied. The CEO of Duke Energy says she met face-to-face, alone, with the Governor; the Governor denies such a meeting took place. Someone is lying. The Governor says he did not sign off on the pipeline, but emails, timelines, and texts from his top aides say otherwise. Someone is lying. The Governor’s top aide claims the creation of the fund was Duke Energy’s idea and Duke Energy states otherwise. Someone is lying.


People are lying, and they need to be put under oath, under threat of perjury, and reanswer these questions. I call on the Public Corruption Unit of the FBI to step up and do their job.