Like what you read here? Help us keep a GOOD THING going …

We’re approaching the end of a really tough year, and getting ready to start off what looks to be an EVEN TOUGHER ONE.  We at The Daily Haymaker have stood strong against a lot of the nonsense being perpetrated in Raleigh and DC.  Unfortunately, THAT nonsense is coming at us so fast, and in such a  high volume that it keeps us really busy and adds to our operating costs.

Right now, this is a seriously non-profit operation.  We want to keep this public service going.  But at the same time, we’d like to at least break even in terms of our operating costs.

There are prime advertising opportunities on the site.  We  have regular readers from all four corners of The Carolinas — as well as the nation.   The site also has international readers from Canada and Europe. (Email the DH management for further details. )

If you don’t want to advertise, but want to show a little appreciation and toss us a little $change$, you can click on the Donate button at the top of the page.  This link will take you to page that is a secure portal to our Paypal account.

Thanks, in advance for any help you can offer.  We appreciate ALL of our readers, and wish you all a Happy New Year.