Four years into McCrory era, Republicans STILL an endangered species on UNC faculty
This may not come as a shock to many of you familiar with life in the Democrat People’s Republic of Orange County:
[…] Professors registered as Democrats outnumber those registered as Republicans by a ratio of roughly 12 to one at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill – and in 15 departments zero registered Republican professors can be found – according to educators’ registered party affiliations.
The College Fix researched the political party registrations of 1,355 UNC Chapel Hill professors using the state’s online public voter database, maintained by the State Board of Elections.
Of those, 615 were registered Democrats, while only 50 were registered Republicans, a ratio of about 12 to one.[…]
Wow. *You have gotta LOVE that diversity stuff.* Imagine how much noise the liberal howler monkeys would be making if the ratio of, say, white men to “men-of-color” was 12:1 or WORSE.
[…] The remaining party affiliations included 299 professor who are unaffiliated (in North Carolina, voters can register as unaffiliated), 291 professors whose names could not be found the database, and 98 professors’ whose party affiliations could not be determined. Two professors are registered libertarians.
Even with the high number of professor party affiliations that could not be determined, the results found Democrat professors outnumber Republican ones in every single department surveyed, and what’s more, nearly half of the 34 departments probed found no registered Republicans at all.[…]
Given that we are talking about Orange County, there IS a possibility that there are some right-leaning profs who register Unaffiliated so they can actually have a say in local elections.(I’ve done that before when I lived in areas where the local GOP was practically non-existent.)
And which departments had NO registered Republicans?:
African-American Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Environmental Science
Marine Sciences
Public Policy
Women’s Studies
Hmmm. I see at least THREE in that list that could be eliminated and not be missed by anyone except the leeches currently drawing paychecks from them. Chalk this up to another missed opportunity to reform the UNC system. *Let the leftists continue latching on like ticks to a cocker spaniel, feeding on our tax dollars while taking a hammer to our society and culture.*
Of course, a snooty weekday resident of The Friday Center fired off a snooty rebuttal to this info:
[…] Asked by The College Fix to comment on the results, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill spokesman Jim Gregory said via email that the university “does not hire faculty based upon their political affiliation, but instead upon academic merit.”
“That said, we also feel that it is important for students to be confronted with views that they may not agree with or have not previously been exposed to, which we believe leads to the development of critical thinking skills,” he said.
“Our primary effort is to ensure that our faculty, regardless of their backgrounds, are sensitive to and respectful of the various beliefs and viewpoints raised by each of their students,” Gregory said, adding the university does attempt to “achieve a measure of diversity across all domains” but described achieving a perfect balance as “extremely difficult.”[…]
Oh, bravo sierra. IS he talking about this guy, this lady or this lady?
I’ve been doing some part-time teaching on college campuses. I often get saddled with textbooks that do things like, oh, praise Hillary Clinton and Nelson Mandela as examples of great leaders or — better yet – heap praise on companies that put “stewardship of the environment” ahead of *silly things* like, oh, profits.
I remember asking one class to define “capitalism” for me. The first kid raised his hand and said ”The rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.” Amid my face-palm, a second kid said “The bottom 99% working really hard while the top 1% get all the benefits.”
On college campuses, faculty hiring decisions get made — in most cases — based on recommendations from folks already in-house. Just as in driveby journalism, ”merit” is subjective. Past work for a conservative politician or organization or publication can be portrayed as “lacking merit.” (But there is no problem with citing “Wonkette” as your favorite web site.) Commies are going to recommend their fellow comrades. And we foot the bill.
Party registration doesn’t always tell you a lot. (Charles Jeter and Larry Pittman are both registered Republican.) But it can give you a sense, in a lot of cases, of how someone approaches the important issues in society.
I am not for quotas. I am not for bean-counting. College campuses should be about exploring the facts in search of the truth. They should be about
honest, open debate. I’ve never penalized a student for disagreeing with me politically. There is way too much force-feeding of Marxism, and way too little critical thinking and issue exploration, on our campuses.
There have been occasions during my time as a college student where I got As from leftist professors, and others where I got rather undeserved Bs or Cs from commie profs.
I am always on the lookout for good critical thinking, good writing, and generous use of facts from reputable sources (NOT MSNBC, for example).
There are a lot of bright folks working for places like Cato and Heritage who could do bang-up work on our campuses. You have to wonder how serious folks in power on “our side” are about evening things up. Free market ideals deserve a fair hearing among the ivy.
The most important diversity on a college or university campus is diversity of thought, not of skin color. UNC fails miserably on this most important diversity. University professors are an ideological clique that tries to impose a virtual monopoly for its own ideology, with occaisionally a ”token” of the opposite side. This should be unacceptable. Perhaps the left should be hoist on its own petard of affirmative action, and hire only conservative professors until political philosophy was more in balance.
As to unaffiliated college professors, they are probably more likely to be Marxists than Republicans.
These statistics are no surprise to those of us in NC who follow academics and are familiar with the UNC system. We have known this for years. The tragedy today is the abject failure of the Republican leadership in the legislature and Governor McCrory to even begin to tackle this serious imbalance. In fact, if anything, they have worsened it. Their appointments to the BOG and various trustee boards have been disastrous. Positions were sold to the highest bidders instead of educational reformers. Their appointees have strenuously fought to maintain the liberal status quo. As a result, the UNC system is even more liberal today than it was when the GOP took power five years ago. Republicans still cannot even get a job interview on any UNC campus. This is RINO Republicanism at its worst. Think about this in November when these politicians tell you they need your vote to promote conservatism policies. Just laugh at them and don’t give them a dime. Or just cry at what could have been.
I have pointed out two years ago to several people that I was waiting for things in NC to shake up. I was advised that there is still 2 years to go. I’m still waiting. At a minimum a Board of Governors could shake things up and start asking questions. The right people need to be appointed. Don’t see much of that happening. Better off with A Dem gov then the legislature might get more conservative. Unless they follow the lead of the US Congress.
I have come to realize that the GOP leadership in Raleigh is just as corrupt as the Washington GOP establishment. It is crystal clear that UNC partisans bought off the Republican Establishment in Raleigh in order to protect the liberal UNC system. This explains why the GOP-appointed liberal RINOs to the BOG and trustee boards still will not even give conservative Republicans job interviews. A Republican governor and legislature mean nothing.
Look no further than the education advisors that McCrory surrounds himself with — starting with Eric Guckian who is no longer there but was as left as left can get. The establishment GOP here and in DC lie to get elected and then fully fund and/or support the progressive agenda. McCrory is the poster child for this elitist bait and switch and is a huge supporter of Common Core and the Chamber’s (not your kids’) interests. Same with all of the NC House hacks. Same with Foxx, Pittenger, McHenry and most pointedly Richard Burr — who MUST be voted out in November. The ONLY reason I am voting for McCrory is HB2 but if backs away at all — he will not get my vote.
They probably don’t go into education because there is not enough money in it.
…”They” meaning Republicans.
This is true. “They” actually go somewhere that work can be productive to society. What was the old saying? “Those who, those who can’t….teach”
So teaching and research are ot productie to society?
I don’t know what happened to my post. Here goes again…
So teaching and research are not productive to society?
Those salaies of 200 grand plus for these professors, with little real work involved, are not too shabby. Ditto the grossly overpaid school system bureaucrats.
I’d say your liberal pal Gene Nichol has a pretty good gig making $200,000 to teach one class over at UNC? You know the guy who writes all the oped’s in the N and O? Demonizing Capitalism? Who, along with his fat cat wife,makes700,000 a year? He is the biggest capitalist of them all? Tenured college professor’s are one of the best jobs in the country.
And now the final insult—-Bush lackey Margaret Spellings wants the legislature to give these liberal Democrat professors salary increases! And I have no doubt the corrupt GOP legislative leadership will do it. The NC GOP is so riddled with RINOs and crooks that conservatives just need to sit this election out. Voting Republican is just making NC more liberal. UNC is a perfect example.
Read the book: “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness,” Lyle Rossiter, JR. MD. Free World Books, LLC, St. Charles, IL. 415pp.
Maybe that is why the progressives monopolize them for their own group.
When it comes to reforming the UNC system, the Republican legislature is simply brain dead. The BOG members and trustees they and McCrory have appointed are brain dead. So much for the conservative revolution.
Ah yes, reform. We SURE can’t have one of the best public university systems in the country here in North Carolina. That would be an embarrasment. Don’t quit breaking it until we are at least as bad as South Carolina.
Ah, yes. And with about as much political pluralism as Moscow State University in Stalin’s day.