Cooper strikes Newton, DeLuca from NCGOP’s SBoE recommendation list
Governor Roy Cooper has advised Dallas and his Grandpa over on Hillsborough Street to submit two new names ASAP for
consideration for the NCGOP’s two seats on the new five-member state board of elections.
NCGOP leadership was initially asked to submit four recommendations for the party’s two seats on the state board.
In a letter to Grandpa, Cooper’s staff said Francis DeLuca, former head of The Civitas Institute, and Buck Newton, former state senator and 2016 GOP nominee for attorney general, are ineligible to serve on the new board. The governor’s team alleges that the pair would violate state law forbidding anyone who has “electioneered” in the past 48 months from serving on the elections board.
The two remaining GOP recommendations are Boone attorney Stacy “Four” Eggers, who served on the previous elections board, and former Raleigh City Council candidate / perpetual cousin to Dallas Woodhouse / former Wake County board of elections member Eddie Woodhouse.
One of the more crucial pieces of business for the new board –set to be seated in the first week of February — is resolving issues surrounding the Ninth Congressional District race.
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