2024, meet 1968.

A beleaguered incumbent Democrat president backs out of his reelection bid.  His party pushes forward with his vice-president as the party’s nominee.  The Democrat convention is slated to happen in Chicago. The Republicans line up behind a candidate fresh off an earlier heartbreaking loss to the beleaguered Democrat incumbent. A member of the Kennedy family is a factor in the race. The Democrat base is split between rioting-in-the-street radicals and more conventional liberals. The nation’s economy — and mood — are both in the toilet.

That was the 1968 presidential election.  But it sure fits the 2024 race to a ‘tee.’

Joe Biden‘s announcement that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race rocked an otherwise quiet Sunday afternoon.  Many observers had been anticipating something like this. But in politics, you talk about a lot of stuff that either doesn’t happen or you really hope doesn’t happen.

All the big Dems have stepped forward to endorse vice president Kamala Harris. That is the easiest course for their party to follow.  Absentee ballots go out in a month. Election Day is in three months.

Harris has the name ID and can use all the money that has already been raised for the Biden-Harris ticket.  Of course, the name ID could still leave the Dems with a problem in the presidential race.  But Harris — right now — doesn’t carry the baggage that old man Biden does. She’s polling a lot better than her current boss is.

Some may dismiss this as a ‘no-way-in-hell-she’ll-win” scenario.  How many people predicted Biden and Harris sending Trump and Pence packing in 2020? 

To soothe voters who may still have heartburn over the idea of President Kamala, the Dems might need a more moderate, more palatable choice for the ticket’s #2 slot.  Our very own governor, Gomer Pyle, is getting talked up for such an opportunity.  If Pyle doesn’t make that cut, there’s always a 2026 matchup for him with Trailer-Park Thom.

There’s also the spectre out there of a contested Democrat convention.  West Virginia’s former governor and current senator Joe Manchin, a former Democrat now Independent, is talking about running back to the Ds and challenging Kamala at the national convention. Manchin is part of the more moderate wing of the party.  He could also be a possibility for the #2 spot on a Kamala-headed ticket.  One of the more scary aspects of the Biden-Harris ticket was that there was no comforting alternative waiting in the wings in the event something happened to Ol’ Joe. Manchin might be able to calm some of those fears about a Harris-headed ticket. 

We’re facing a scenario the country hasn’t seen in 56 years.  With the drama on the Dem side and the always-entertaining character of a Trump campaign, this really could be an election year for the books.

Amid all of the approaching entertainment, it is important to think hard about the dangers looming large out there for our country.  There’s an awful lot of chaos and carnage around the globe (and right up against our southern border). Our national economy is like a house-of-cards erected on a breezy day.

We’re in need of some drastic change and some novel, creative solutions. Take time to carefully evaluate whatever options we end up with, and — for the sake of the country and its future generations — set aside the sideshow antics and choose wisely.