*WWJD?* (Give ALL his cash to Dallas!)
Here we are on one of the holiest weeks of the Christian and Jewish faiths. Offering plates are being passed all over America to support all sorts of good works.
Even “the reverend” Woodhouse is passing the plate this weekend (via your email inbox):
So much chutzpah, so little shame. But, hey, what do you expect from Brad’s baby bro?
A better move — at least from a PR standpoint — would have been to lay off the shakedown for a few days, and instead issue warm wishes to everyone on this special week. (Crank the shakedown efforts back up on Monday.)
Today is the end of the quarter. Everyone is doing multiple emails today. If he wasn’t asking for money today he’d be inept.
It’s important to know where you live.
For anyone who cares, I saw Congressman Walter Jones in the grocery store last week and we were talking about all the nasty ads being run against him. He said it was part of politics and he was used to it. You could see that I was more upset about it than he was. He said that as distasteful as it might seem, this is a First Amendment right and he would defend their right to run ads like that, even if they were against him. Then he said he would cease all of his campaign advertising from Good Friday until the Monday morning following Easter and would not do any fundraising asks until after Easter Sunday. Guess there are some that still have a little perspective. Christ is Risen. Have a blessed Easter.
This is the third election in a row where the Washington, DC establishment has gone hard after Walter, and they run swamp creatures against him, first Washington,DC PR man Taylor Griffin and now Indian Casino lobbyist Scott Dacey. Both have been fueled with lots of lobbyist and special interest money and campaign by distorting Walter’s record. Both Griffin and Dacey have extremely close ties to John Boehner. We do not need to hand over our seat to these Washington insiders.
Soldiers don’t take Easter off because the enemy doesn’t.
Are you really comparing politics to war ? Get some perspective. We had 8 years of Obama and although it was rough, my worst day during those 8 years couldn’t to what soldiers go through.
I never served but nothing pisses me off like people who talk about going to war when referring to politics.
With all due respect, as someone who has served in some very sensitive capacities in the military, it must be stated that there are many kinds of battlefields. I see what you are saying in the context of total physical war being the most extreme, but a lot of the time the distinctions are way more blurred than that. Politics is one of many kinds of battlefields. War never ends; intelligence never sleeps.
Sorry to offend, but that’s my mentality. I didn’t see anything on my discharge papers saying I was free of the oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign or Domestic.
Lee Atwater used to always carry a copy of “On War” a leading military treatise from the 19th century written by Prussian General von Clauswitz, and used it for inspiration in devising political strategies. One quote that von Clauswitz is known for is “war is just politics by other means”.
Defund the state party and give you money directly to the people you support
Christ is risen. Indeed he is risen.