SIX OPTIONS available this year in vote for North Carolina governor
I know, I know. We’re hearing ad nauseam about Josh Stein and Mark Robinson. I’m also hearing from numerous people who are sick of the choices the two largest
crime families political parties have stuck us with. If that sounds like you, what can you do?
For one, you could simply leave the line for Governor blank. Should you go ahead, hold your nose, and vote for a candidate who pisses you off morally and ethically and basically insults your intelligence?
You don’t have to. Your ballot will still count. None of the gubernatorial candidates will be credited with a vote from you.
You could vote for the Republican Mark Robinson or the Democrat Josh Stein. (The grifters in Raleigh will thank you profusely.)
Orrrrrrrrr — you could take a good look at the three other candidates on the ballot for governor. The Green Party and The Libertarian Party each have a candidate in that particular field. (Is everyone aware of who co-founded the Libertarian Party of North Carolina?)
The Greens and the Libertarians have a lot of appeal to the more liberal, left-wing members of the electorate.
The Constitution Party is something else. Its Seven Core Values sound an awful lot like the conservative platform that the GOP establishment loves to ignore. Party activists and leaders like to describe the electorate – the taxpayers – as “the employers” while elected officials and government bureaucrats are “the employees.”
As an institution, the Constitution Party sounds like quite a refuge for conservatives in the Republican Party tired of being lied to and screwed over.
Their nominee for governor this year – Vinny Smith – describes himself as a crusader against corruption:
“MY vision for government is one totally motivated by public service, rather than one where a select few bend the rules for people who pay big money into their campaigns.”
Smith’s platform follows the core values of his party: the sanctity of life, religious freedom, private property rights, the traditional family, capitalism over socialism, and The Second Amendment. He says medical freedom and improved health care options for veterans are also very important for him.
Smith recognizes the challenges he would face as a third-party governor facing a lot of Ds and Rs in Raleigh. He says he would operate in line with his party’s motto: “Principle over Politics”:
“I’ve put my beliefs out there. I am willing to work with anyone, on a case by case basis, who agrees with me and what I’ve put before the voters.”
Smith is a native of Queens, NY. His father, a retired NYC transit cop, moved the family to Durham in 1986. Smith graduated from Durham’s Jordan High School AND The United States Naval Academy. He served five years in the Navy as an intelligence officer. Smith currently works in marketing for a medical device company. He and his adult son also operate a company devoted to offering STEM educational camps for young people.
Speaking of battling corruption and putting principle over party, The Constitution Party is taking on one of the political giants in Raleigh. Their nominee, Alvin Robinson is taking on state senator Phil Berger (R) and Steve Luking (D) in November.
On its face, The Constitution Party looks like a safe place for principled conservatives to park their votes and express their displeasure with the antics of the Raleigh establishment. (At least, in the governor’s race and one state senate race. )
Just this can’t be so much bad luck
We had Bill Clinton. enough said.
JFK, enough said.
Trump, 4, 5 marriages?
Bush, enough said.
MLK, enough said.
We have long been past electing angels or having leaders with morals or values.
Conservatives have a choice for governor and NC senate district 26, with the Constitution Party candidates, Vinny Smiih and Alvin Robinson. Break free, from the drudgery of voting, what you think is the best choice between 2 evils. If you are a true conservative and you vote any other name, you remain part of the problem. The Dumb Masses!!
Trump, 4.5 marriages?
I could care less about his marriages. I will not be burdened, by what has been. I will be unburdened by what could be, if conservatives could actually work together and get these 2 men elected. Start eliminating the NC swamp. Just my opinion.
You are so triggered by so much and many.
I was simply pointing out Trump has 4 or 5 marriages and numerous breaks of his vows and commitments.
Again, we have long past worried about electing angels or statesman.
Good luck to your Constitution Party. Very uncertain what point or impact you propose to make?
I will be voting Smith. I am so happy that we have options.
The best option was Dale Folwell. Although it likely won’t do any good, rather than leave it blank, I might just write him in, and I wish many more people would do the same. Unfortunately, too many people don’t know him like I do. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be stuck with Robinson, who has been and would be a puppet for Phil Berger.
The connection with Phil sleaze-Berger is the reason Mark Robinson went dark on issues of concern to conservatives while he was Lieutenant Governor. He even betrayed his supposed core issue of gun rights by hiding in the corner when “Undocumented Democrat” Berger killed Constituional Carry in North Carolina, something 29 other states have already approved.
It is only because Josh (Franken)Stein is so damn terrible that many conservatives would consider holding their nose and voting for Robinson. Realistically, Robinson is the only other candidate on the ballot who has any chance of beating Stein, small though it is.
Berger would without question be as willing a go-fer to Josh Stein as he has been for Roy Cooper on Cooper’s key issues. Were Robinson to squeak in, the shoe would be on the other foot. Robinson would be the go-fer to Berger. While neither situation is appealing, the thought of Stein running the show is probably worse.
The British use the term “tactical voting” for voting for the least bad candidate that has the best chance of winning. North Carolinians are facing considering that alternative this election or just casting a protest vote.
I voted for Dale Folwell also. I felt confident he could do the job. Unfortunately he is not on the ballet.
jwmson, how many times have you complained, no more Jessie Helms conservatives blablabla. Kinda funny, Vinny Smith, sounds like that kinda man.
I’m done with republicans. I thought I could stay and fight the good fight to reform the party. That just ain’t gonna happen. I’ll be voting for Smith for governor. I’m not fooled by porno Mark.
Think clearly before you leave governor and, or NC senate district 26 ovals blank. A vote for Vinny Smith and Alvin Robinson, is the first step, I do not call it a protest vote, I consider my vote a vote for conservativism.